Sunday, July 25, 2010

Interview with Haroon Shahid

Published on, under Interviews & Radio shows Category, 24th Nov, 2009


Sadaf Fayyaz

Q1. Tell us something about your education and background.
Haroon: I have done my Bachelors in economics from Beaconhouse National University and currently doing masters in public policy from the same university. I was initially at Saudi Arabia and got lot of exposure to Pakistani music there.
Q2. What is your inspiration?
Haroon: In fact, when I was abroad, I listened a lot to Pakistani music, and they are my inspiration. They are so many to list. The list comprises Vital Signs, The Sequencers, Fringe Benefits, Noori, Meekal Hasan, Junoon, Collective Soul, EP and Journey. I met up with my first guitar at the age of seventeen. As a child, I have been listening to Vital Signs and Junoon. I would like to narrate a childhood incident here. During a hot, summer day, I started singing, putting all fans off and trying to create a concert-like atmosphere. My mother came and said, “Haroon! I think no one can stop you now.”
Q3. Tell us something about your band SYMT.
Haroon: It is difficult for people to know what it really stands for. (Laughs) they pronounce it differently. Everything in the universe and world has a direction. Our lives have a direction. We want our music to be heard in all the directions. My inspiration comes from all the directions. This is how; we came up with a theme of naming it as SYMT. The other member of the band is Hassan Omer, where I am on the vocals and Hassan on the guitar. Apart from this, the other people involved are Syed Farhad Humayun and Mehmood Rahman of Overload. The album is produced by Farhad at Riot studios, where he has played drums and Mehmood bass.
Q4. Being new, how do you see the competition in this industry?
Haroon: I must say that we have been extremely lucky to have a company Lips Entertainment. We didn’t have to invest even a single penny from our pocket. The company is investing on us and we are fortunate in this context. The competition is there, but we are lucky enough to have a company, which is making investment. Some people complain about poor PR and such things, but I think PR develops itself. So I have no PR issues.
Q5. What kind of obstacles you faced?
Haroon: Again I would say that we are lucky enough to have worked with some very brilliant people like Meekal Hasan, Syed Farhad Humayun. Farhad told me not to worry about any PR or any other issues. He told me straight to go and record my own album. So I have learnt a lot from people around me and was very fortunate in this genre. He advised me to believe in myself and go ahead with the thing in mind. There was a Levis’ competition that we won and got the first amount of money for audio investment. There was an option either investing in audio or video. I must say, luck is a big factor.
Q6. What music genre your music lies in?
Haroon: Its pop rock basically.
Q7. What are your expectations from first album?
Haroon: I am a very positive thinking person and always look positively towards things. I am hopeful about my first album and positive too. There are nine tracks in the album. We have been playing cover a lot and don’t even remember exactly how many we have played. But I thought that it was high time to do something of my own and serious. I take critics positively and learn from it. Because it’s important for me, being a musician. Though, I am a bit concerned regarding the production of the album, but still I am hopeful. I believe those who don’t take critics positively are lagged far behind. I have a very good management company and I am confident about it.
Q8. Shahi mastered your first album. What is your experience of working with him?
Haroon: Shahi is an awesome person and a very talented musician. He has mastered the first album; the best part was when he praised three songs of the album. The way he takes opinion from us, being new artists, and works on it, is really great. So it has been a great experience working with him.
Q9. If you weren’t a musician, what you would have been?
Haroon: (Laughs) I would have been in the cricket team. I play cricket and soccer.
Q10. Any message for readers?
Haroon: Yes, believe in yourself and be realistic. You need to know your limitations very well of what you can and what you can’t. Keep working hard and know your SYMT (direction) well.

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